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JUCE is a wide-ranging C++ class library for building rich cross-platform applications and plugins for all the major operating systems.

Gesture Agents

Gesture Agents

Gesture Agents is a framework for building collaborative multi-user systems with support for concurrent multi-tasking and shareable interfaces running simultaneously in different applications.

XMM – Motion and Mapping Models

XMM – Motion and Mapping Models

XMM is a C++ library that combines multimodal and hierarchical Hidden Markov Models to model gesture and sound parameters, allowing the creation of mappings between gesture and sound in interactive music systems.

Gesture Follower

Gesture Follower

GF is a realtime gesture analyser that outputs “continuously” gesture characterising parameters based on recorded templates, making it suited for selecting and synchronising visual or sound control processes to gestures.

Interactive Audio Engine

Interactive Audio Engine

The IAE is an embeddable synthesis engine in C++ for content based audio processing. The engine extracts audio descriptors from recorded audio materials and provides asynchronous/synchronous granular synthesis and additive synthesis.